Gay Wedding – 5 Tips for Berlin’s Hippest District

Wedding in Berlin's north-east has traditionally been a very international working-class district. For 30 years, the slogan has been: "Wedding is on the rise!” And indeed, for a few years now, the district has been attracting more queers, particularly women, non-binary and trans people. Although sometimes a little hidden, Wedding is home to very different queer spots.

Savvy Contemporary
The Savvy has been located in Reinickendorfer Straße for 8 years now. The exhibition space features state-of-the-art artworks that engage with all current discourses, and it sets new standards for the urban cultural scene. Besides art, the location also hosts Savvy Radio, the in-house record label Savvy Records, and other multimedia projects. It’s definitely an interesting place that leaves a lasting impression and facilitates exciting art consumption and encounters.
SAVVY Contemporary
Reinickendorfer Straße 17, 13347 Berlin-Wedding
Train and metro station Wedding
Website SAVVY Contemporary

Another independent Wedding cultural institution is Uferstudios - situated picturesquely in a former bus depot on the banks of the Panke canal. Inside the industrial monument on the busy Badstrasse, the body and social discourse can be explored through experimental dance and performances. You can also just as easily enjoy the site's great architecture and relaxed vibe. Alternatively, you can chill out amongst the dance studios with a drink from the Source café. Real dance nerds can even explore a library specialising in dance in the Uferstudios.
Uferstraße 23, 13357 Berlin
Metro station Pankstraße
Website Uferstudios

Outdoor Cinema Rehberge
Wedding is also a popular place for cineasts. In winter, the City Kino Wedding is a recommended venue for cool arthouse films or extravagant ones like the horror film series of the Final Girls Berlin Festival. In summer, a trip to the open-air cinema Rehberge is definitely worthwhile. The Rehberge is a huge city park with wild animal enclosures, various sports fields, lots of greenery, a lake, and a spacious open-air cinema. The programme varies between arthouse and a bit mainstream, so it's a relaxed mix that caters for every taste. Another plus: the films are screened in all weathers and the cinema has wheelchair-accessible facilities.
Freiluftkino Rehberge
Windhuker Straße, 13351 Berlin
Metro station Rehberge
Website Freiluftkino Rehberge

Panke Gallery
Connoisseurs of good sound will find numerous media art projects at Panke Galerie. Since 2016, the gallery has been promoting web-based art and sound culture and has even collaborated with the legendary Transmediale. In addition to digital art and the associated discourses, lectures, performances, parties, film evenings, and sometimes even DJ workshops for women, nonbinary and trans people also take place here. Anyone interested in sound, digital culture, and the latest developments in the creative industry should definitely take a look at the Panke Galerie’s programme. But anyone who just wants to get inspired or hang out in a cool place is also perfectly situated in hip Weddinger Gerichtstrasse.
Panke Galerie
Gerichtstraße 23, Hof 5, 13347 Berlin
Train and metro station Wedding
Website Panke Gallery

Café Cralle
Hochstädterstraße is home to an historic queer-feminist Berlin institution: the feminist pub collective Café Cralle. It has been serving beer and other drinks since 1977. Activists and locals meet here and exchange ideas. The cosy pub is an ideal place to stop and network. Board games are available for game fans, and party people can kick off legendary Berlin nights here. During the week, lesbian film nights, smaller events, queer embroidery, MeetUps and other queer get-togethers routinely take place in the back room.
Café Cralle
Hochstädter Straße 10A, 13347 Berlin
Metro station Leopoldplatz
Website Café Cralle
Further Information
Subscribe to Place2be.Berlin's Instagram channel for the latest info and impressions from Berlin!
The Place2be.Berlin city map shows you interesting queer locations all over Berlin.
You can find a complete overview of all events for every single da on the event pages of SIEGESSÄULE, Berlin's famous queer city magazine.
Words: Julia Vorkefeld