Gay, Lesbian and Queer Clubs in Berlin

Berlin is not only the queerest metropolis in Europe, but also the city with the most diverse nightlife and the most colourful club scene on the continent. That's why almost every self-respecting nightclub features queer parties in its programme. Some clubs, however, cater exclusively to the queer community and their friends. We would like to present them here!

'SchwuZ' is the largest and most important queer club and event venue in Berlin. Its history goes back to the 70s. Over the course of time, various factory floors and basements provided a home for SchwuZ - and became a rallying point and refuge for the community. It has since moved to the former Kindl brewery in Berlin-Neukölln. Its new location offers a more extensive and diverse programme than ever before. In addition to various parties with different themes and music genres, 'SchwuZ' also organises voguing balls and concerts. Contrary to what the name might suggest, 'SchwuZ' is by no means only aimed at gay people but is a venue intended for the entire LGBTIQ* community. Some parties are also explicitly hosted for women, lesbians, intersexual, non-binary, trans and agender people (FLINTA*s).
Rollbergstraße 26, 12053 Berlin-Neukölln
U Rathaus Neukölln
Website of SchwuZ

Die Busche
While 'SchwuZ' was the biggest and most important queer club in West Berlin before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the 'Busche' club took on the same role in East Berlin. In fact, 'Busche' was so popular that queers from the West travelled across the border especially to be able to party here. The unusual name comes from its original address in Buschallee in the Weißensee district. Since then, however, the club has moved several times and is now located under the Warschauer Straße underground station in Berlin-Friedrichshain. On two floors you'll find house and electro, as well as pop, 80s and party hits.
Warschauer Platz 18, 10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain
S+U Warschauer Straße
Website of Busche

Connection Club
The area around Motzstraße, Wittenbergplatz and Nollendorfplatz in Berlin-Schöneberg is not known as the rainbow district for nothing. Gay bars and shops are to be found everywhere. Several times a year, the neighbourhood celebrates queer street festivals like the 'Lesbisch-Schwule Stadtfest' (Lesbian/Gay City Festival) in summer and the fetish event 'Folsom Europe' in September. Of course, a fully equipped gay nightclub is essential to the area and comes in the form of the 'Connection Club', which also has a history dating back decades. The programme includes the party series 'Popular' on Fridays and 'Electronic Vibes' on Saturdays. The organisers took advantage of the closure during the pandemic to renovate and modernize the entire club.
Connection Club
Fuggerstraße 33, 10777 Berlin-Schöneberg
U Wittenbergplatz
Website of Connection Club
Further information
And this is how you get there: The Queer City Pass gives you a ticket for public transport - and on top of that a great discount with lots of partner companies!
Subscribe to Place2be.Berlin's Instagram channel for the latest info and impressions from Berlin!
The Place2be.Berlin city map shows you interesting queer locations all over Berlin.
You can find a complete overview of all events for every single da on the event pages of SIEGESSÄULE, Berlin's famous queer city magazine.
Words: Frank Schröder