Wilhelmine's favourite queer places in queer Berlin-Kreuzberg

Voice, charm and lesbian power: For Place2be.Berlin we were on the road with the German singer-songwriter Wilhelmine in Kreuzberg! As Berlin ambassador she takes us to Prinzenbad and shows us her favorite queer places around Kottbusser Tor.


Starring: Wilhelmine wilhelminesmusik.de
Support: Kayra, Nadja
Directed by: Therese Koppe
Camera: Julia Geiß
Film Producer: Nadja Brendel
Produced by: Special Media SDL GmbH / Siegessäule


Wilhelmine - Komm wie du bist

A big thank you for the friendly support goes to Prinzenbad, Südblock and the Möbel Olfe!

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You can find a complete overview of all events for every single da on the event pages of SIEGESSÄULE, Berlin's famous queer city magazine.

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A project of SIEGESSÄULE
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